Sunday, July 24, 2005

powerful little plant

unable to secure any marijuana at the early hour (approx. 7:30am)
i proceeded to smoke some dutch salvia i had acquired in my travels
i packed a small bowl
i took a hit, held it for a few seconds, let it out
i took a second, and as i was inhaling, i became increasingly aware
it felt like my skin was trying to run away from me
i decided to quickly lie back on my couch to try and relax,
to facilitate the trip
almost instantly, as i lay back, i felt as though i kept going further and further into the couch
something like in trainspotting with the floor
but my field of view was spinning, spiraling i guess would be more accurate
as though from the bottom of a well, i looked up at my field of view
my body felt as though it had become 2-dimensional
my life was a picasso painting,
my house was caving in on me
the universe was trying to squeeze me out of existence
i was somehow able to stand up, walk around, and get some fresh air
i knew the effects were short lived, but i felt i had very nearly died
this was not my first near-death experience, so though badly shaken, i was not hysterical
i decided i should dispose of my remaining salvia, before i brought about armageddon
and i decided too that i should take a psychedelic break,
as there are definetly somethings i am not ready to know
i have just now returned from a relaxing drive
i threw my salvia into the ocean
i could not bring myself to destroy something of such power
so i gave it to random
may it serve us all


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