I again doubt my past experiences.
If the brain is capable of creating the most bizarre dreams,
what makes a trip any different?
I want to do acid again, but i worry that i might again succumb to
a falsehood that i mistake for truth.
Truth is so hard to locate.
What is relative truth may not be ultimately true.
Bah, now it sounds like semantics.
So i continue, uncertain as always.
Experiencing what i dare to.
Helping who i care to.
But with no conscious motive, am i doomed to wander?
Mankind's ignorance makes me sad.
My own discomfort makes me sick.
I am ashamed.
When i seem to get along so much better with people when i'm drunk,
is it worth sobering up?
To feel worthless and exposed.
It's enough to make you want to drink.
So appealing, and so deceiving.
It seems I'm once again waiting.
For an opportunity.
A job, an escape, a task, a mission.
I want objectives, rules, and results.
Or do I?
My job has clear guidlines and objectives.
The best part of the job is when everything fucks up and we can't work.
No goal, just hang around until shit's ready to go.
Maybe that's what I want.
A worthy master to put me to good use.
That rewards me with freedom and security.
I want wealth and power i guess.
Selfish as ever.
Save me a place in Val Halla.
I'd like a table with Hunter and Hicks.
And Yul and Fix, just for the kicks.
Gotta earn it now.
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