Tuesday, August 19, 2008

thoughts before sleep

"The Power of a Million Exploding Suns"...
"So once when I was six, I did..."
only what was necessary.
My thoughts come in bits.
Hard to focus.

It's hot. Well, I'm sweating, I feel hot I should say, or it seems hot.
It's hot. It's itchy. It? My leg. Well, now the other. I can smell the ashtray.
My face tingles. Transient Ischemic Attack? "T. I.A., This Is Africa" Duh Tee Aye Yay!

Do diseases that target genetic groups really exist in nature? Or were they mostly created intentionally for that characteristic? Well, not like diabetes, but like, sickle cell anemia? I'm not too familiar with it, but I've read in the past that such projects existed, for the purpose of creating biological weapons that exploit specific genetic groups. Ethnic cleansing and all that jazz. Like they don't know they value of diversity. Farmers plant different species of crop to safeguard against any one pest or problem ruining the whole crop. Have some more resistant to flooding. Some resistant to disease. Some resistant to insects. Some able to withstand drought. And so on.

So wouldn't we want to ensure that the human race remains genetically diverse to safeguard against any changes in climate, any biological issues, any change of environment basically. Wouldn't want one pandemic to wipe out everybody. So, we need to retain genetic diversity. We obviously know about inbreeding and the dangers it poses. Perhaps such programs have been abandoned by those with the capability to run them.

thoughts move elsewhere. some one's making toast. dryer's on. Eyes are blurry. Work tomorrow. Another hour sleep. Write a code in capital Letters? No no, too much work, nothing cool to encode. Did I eat that? I must have, it's gone now. Am I thirsty? My back is sore, is that the same? Loud chairs. Or is it a loud floor? Bacon IS great.Eggs and toast? Sheppard's pie? An old cookie? Ritz. Do we have salami? Ah never mind, have a drink. Have a few. Typo retyping, typically. Typecast. Tipecast. Tipe? Tipe.

I wonder if in death we have to discuss our thoughts in life. I sort've hope not, but it might be fun, who knows.

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