Saturday, January 24, 2009

Sober nap dream that I forgot initially

I remembered a dream that came before that one, or maybe it was part of the same dream. I was with her for this one too, I think. There were people that looked really out of it, and I remember asking one what they were on he said 'mescaline', and I knew he meant the pcp dust that is sold as mescaline locally.

I remember a feeling of dread, or I guess, feeling sick to my stomach as I walked through these individuals. They seemed a grim reminder of what I once was and could be again. I remember a dangerous looking rig hanging in the air. It was full of plugs, some kind of suspended electrical outlet. I had a flash when looking at it of someone being badly electrocuted there while trying to plug something in, or fix a loose plug. But, I also knew, that that was what I now must do.

I reached up to right the plug, unsure if I would be alive in 10 seconds or not, and woke up.


This dream, along with the other chinatown dream, both have me in unpleasant environments, but with someone whose company I enjoy. Although, in the second dream(the first I wrote about), we did part ways, which seemed a mistake, as I was trying to get back at the end of the dream. Seems fairly obvious what it means now.



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