Monday, December 29, 2008


Last night, I drank myself sick. The bathroom was full, so I had to throw-up in the kitchen sink. It was unpleasant, thick, probably from cake. I rinsed it down the sink, smoked a few yetis, and headed to bed.

I woke up early, as is customary with alcohol induced sleep. I didn't feel bad, but I had a weird dream. I was working back at the hotel where I was the night auditor. Only the inside was all different. The lobby looked like a restaurant two buildings up. The person working behind the counter was someone that never worked there, but that I had seen in passing at the bars over the holidays. We didn't speak though, not recently.

But in the dream, she was quite busy, glad to see me coming, as it meant she could soon leave. I looked around the busy lobby, people moving about, getting there breakfast, reading the paper, music coming from somewhere, a radio perhaps? I made myself a coffee I think, but the noise seemed to blend into a cacophonous hum. I walked out. If the person behind the counter said anything to me, I didn't here it.

This was immediately followed by a dream where I was at home, and was basically tricked into a home invasion. People asking for directions, making me clarify while someone sneaks around back. I got involved with a fictional woman in this dream, right around the time I realized I had let some undesirables into my home. It was like a double whammy of fan-hitting shit. I woke up covered in sweat. My heart was pounding. I was quickly relieved to find it had been a dream. I felt guilty for getting involved with this fictional woman, even in the dream, despite the fact the lady-friend and I have not discussed exclusivity.

This seemed to me to be a head's up. Like I was letting myself know; don't get too fucked up or do something stupid, this chick seems to like you, and you seem to like her. I am going to visit her for New Year's, actually I'm staying for a few days. If by the end of my visit, she hasn't gotten tired of me, nor I of her, I'll probably suggest we change our facebook relationship statuses. Fuck that sounds lame. I think she'll like it though.

Girls seem to like lameness in a normally cool guy. Modesty is not required either. Fuck eh, what a difference though. Two weeks ago I was hating myself just hoping for a change, now, I've got something to be doing. Something I want to be doing.

My job is pissing me off. I've been there for over a year now, with no raise. I mean, I got my probation period ending raise, but not the time-spent-with-the-company raise. When I was hired, I was told we could make our own hours, as long as we made ourselves available for 15 dialing hours a week. So I worked days, everyday of the week. Weekends off. Now, I'm going to be required to work shifts at least 5 hours in length, which requires me to take an unpaid lunch, starting at 6pm, 3 nights a week, plus one weekend shift. Quite different from my usual 11-3.

I realize I was working a small amount, probably not enough really, but it made the work tolerable. Now, I'm afraid I'm going to have to look for work elsewhere. I hope I find something good. Fucking call centres, though. They hide the unemployment rate. People work there, technically employed, but not making enough money to get by usually. Certainly not enough to make a career of it. It's much better than fast food in some ways. Like, you don't come home all greasy. But, it's hard on the head. Cooking the chicken at KFC doesn't require a whole of mental strain. Then again, I seem to recall being troubled by somethings there.

It must be my inquisitive nature.

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