short update
Hotter inside the apartment than out today.
Probably because we used the oven to make mini pizzas.
Homemade though, out of buns and english muffins.
They turned out pretty good.
Made for a tasty after sex snack.
That was pretty good too.
It had been a few days, we were busy, then people were here.
My mom stayed over one night. Not too conducive to sexual activity.
Have a wedding to go to next week, or the bachelor/ette party then the wedding a few days later. We plan to do some camping while were in Bathurst, as we're taking a week or so off each.
Nice little vacation I imagine.
I wonder if synthetic chemicals in the environment might lead to super-bug or animals. For instance; suppose some animal is able to digest Teflon, and their body uses it in their joints to allow for low-friction joint use. Could the animal then run much faster than before? Or would its muscles not be able to handle the strain?
What if one's bones weren't made of calcium, but of titanium, or some weird mercury based compound, or gold? What about other, more complex possibilities, like synthetic hormones leading to giant animals, or hyper-aggressive animals, or even crazy psychic animals.
Yeah, I've been watching X-Files all day. But still, some sort of evolution could come from this big soup of pollution we've been making for years. How could it not?
Anyway, I'm off to brush my teeth. May random find you well.
Labels: environment, evolution, stream of thought
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