Wednesday, May 06, 2009

It's always something

Well, things are pretty good in my opinion.
Money could be better, but it could always be better.
Health is pretty good.
I've got a broken tooth, but it doesn't hurt yet.
Mysterious chin/neck bump, but that hasn't gotten any worse in a long time, so no worries there. Ears are healing up alright. Nose has been a little troublesome, but probably just dry weather and seasonal allergies.

I had the year off last year allergy-wise. For the last ten years or so, I had been noticing a springtime flare-up of runny noses, itchy watery eyes, and sore throats and coughing. One time, I was driving, my eyes watered so bad, I had to pull over. So, generally, around this time of year, I would buy some sudafed or sinutab, or some other stimulant containing product to ease myself through this tough time. Last year however, I found this to be unnecessary.

Perhaps my use (at the time) of snort drugs(stimulants usually) had weakened my immune system, or given it a real threat to target, as opposed to pollen and dust. Was it my use of drugs, that lead to my easy-going allergy-season? Was it my easy season last year, that brought about this year's nose-assault?

My nose started to hurt, I figured because of the heaters and dryness. I blew a little bit of blood, usually in the morning, and once when I coughed really hard, my nose bled a little, but nothing serious. I used to get serious nose-bleeds when I was a kid, but that all stopped around the end of high school or so. Right around the time I started using nose-drugs? No, that couldn't be the case...

But anyway, my nose hurt quite a bit, and I was pretty crusted up in the mornings. But then, my nose started to run a lot, and I've been getting headaches, usually sinus oriented. So, basically, the allergies are back, and making up for lost time. My nose feels raw on the inside. Normally, the kleenex would have torn my nose up by now, but my girlfriend buys the good stuff with lotion in it. Just don't use it to wipe your eye.

But yeah, that's what I've got. My computer was down, I missed a few shifts. It was in a scary rebooting loop, it wouldn't even boot in safe mode. Anyway, we went to Bathurst for the weekend, and I got my recovery cds and XP, and I reinstalled, and presto, back in action. I didn't have to format or anything, but it was still a major hassle. I need this computer for work, and it was down for almost a week. Don't let friends check their email when they come over. Just don't.

M'lady is doing alright, a little upset with the parental units, but that's kinda the norm with them. They're not all bad or anything, I mean, they did raise my girlfriend, who I am quite fond of. But, they do seem to push her buttons sometimes. They seem to be somewhat neglectful since her sister had a child. Possibly even when she was just pregnant. But yeah, she's pretty stressed about family stuff, which makes sense.

But overall, I'm pretty happy. Stuff is going well, we often are made to wait for things, which can be hard, but it makes the things we waited for seem all that much better. I'm feeling more positive than I have for quite a while, it's definitely odd, for me anyway. I'm finding it easier to go without marijuana at times.

Well, I'm done work for the night now, and there's things that need to be done. May random find you well. K O R I T F W

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