Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mediocre day

Mediocre day.
Started out alright. Work dragged on, thought about call of duty. Kinda weird, I know, but man that's a good game. I found a few others online with similar gaming addictions. I'm not full out hooked yet, but if I rollover my prestige even once, I could be found dead with a controller in my hands. Not literally of course, in time I'll probably get bored. Like drugs and porn. Oh wait...

Nah, really though, I will. And as far as drugs go, I stick to weed mostly, so it's sorta like the shock(of getting high) wears off and you find a healthy mode of consumption for yourself. Tripping was fun for a while, stimulants are ok from time to time, and I'm glad I know what different pills do, but I don't need these things in my life. Certainly not on a regular basis.

I think alcohol is a worthy addition to my arsenal. If I rely on weed too heavily for all my relaxation, my respiratory tract just can't handle it. I cough a lot and my throat hurts. If I drink some times, and smoke sometimes, or do both in moderation, the total load on my body is more evenly distributed amongst my organs, allowing them more time to recover.

I have internal conflict about this though, as my father is an alcoholic, and my mother abstains from drinking almost entirely without any problems, and has always tried to discourage me from drinking. But if for the last 2 generations at least, maybe more, my direct ancestors have consumed alcohol on a regular basis, would not it stand to reason that I might be genetically inclined to consume alcohol? Perhaps even designed for it? I've brought this up before, usually dismissing it as wishful thinking. But here I am again, only slightly intoxicated, and already I am able to write more easily. The loosening of the tongue provided by alcohol is at times invaluable.

But then I wonder, do I really agree with what I say or write while intoxicated? Or am I just thinking aloud? Even so, why can't I do this in a more sober state of mind? I think it's probably boring to review my sober thoughts. Worries about money, health, career, the usual. I get stoned and I think about the universe, time, the Earth, mankind, society, computers, technology, religion, morality, physics, meteorology, astronomy, science fiction, all that fun stuff. It seems a waste of time to worry about my near future, when I could be "building a Utopian society in my head. and what are you talking about, fucking bowling?"(Doug Stanhope). Or something to that effect anyway.

2 Hours later, I watched House and Fringe. I right called fringe early on. I was like; "Bufotoxin from a cane toad, mind over matter". They never said cane, but they said a toxin from a common toad, and they did say mind over matter. A few beers later too now, typos troublesome.

Still never really talked about Call of Duty/tetris effect. I'm going to give it some more time to develop I think, observe more symptoms before I start my report. I think it's been too long since I started this post, it has lost its flow.

All in all, still a mediocre day...
...Leaning to positive.


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