Tuesday, November 18, 2008

stream of thought

New Call of Duty. Much fun. Even on Wii.

Quiet mind, nice. So far so good.

Saw a few cool music videos the other night. On tv even.
It was sort of nostalgic. It sounds funny to me even, music videos aren't that old.
But I mean, it's been a while since I used to really watch them. I'd follow my favourite bands, I'd watch all their videos, try and go back and find the old ones that never aired anymore. The videos that came out before I had developed a taste for the band. Back before youtube, that was hard to do.

I still have some VHS tapes lying around. If I had a video capture card, I'd post up some Deke Wilson, as I looked, and that's not anywhere online that I can find. Maybe that's it though, I can't think of anything else off hand that would be too appealing to anyone but me. Even me.

I remember when KMX came out back in the day, that was the first energy drink I remember seeing. It tasted like orange pop with dirt in it. It was actually not too bad, at least you knew it wasn't just sugar, it would have to taste better. I wonder if that's still around, I bet that'd be good with some whiskey in it. Mixed emotions, on to the next subject.

I sold pixie stix like drugs. Quarter for one, five for a buck. The teachers hated it for some reason, right tried to get me to stop. They eventually succeeded. I made a bit of money doing it for a while, but eventually the strain of staying in supply, trying to get rid of the purple, and not breaking them in my backpack became too much hassle. It all started at Halloween, when I bought a couple two-dollar bags of pixie stix. Well, each bag would make me a good ten to fifteen dollars, not to mention, I got all the pixie stix I wanted, so, I too was hooked. After Halloween, they went on sale, so, I bought the rest the store had, something like ten bags. When they ran out though, the price went up for me too.

Back in these days, I was into various nerdy card and role playing games, but like the old school good ones. Heh heh, ok, maybe I still have a nerd-core. But anyway, the only store in town that supplied these things to the youth was a pretty friendly environment and we could hangout there and shoot the breeze with the owner of the store. He had been following my escapades, and when my supply had run dry, he offered to order in a box of the standard pixie-stix 4-packs, for a price. I don't remember now what it was, something like 20$ for a box of 48 or something, so, if all went well I could just double my money(no more five for a dollar). But, the demand dropped off. I still had hardcore customers that would buy everyday, but it wasn't the feeding frenzy it was when it was new and illicit and in class and the teachers were pissed about it. So I could still sell a fair amount, but if I brought too much, I'd still have some left at the end of the day, most likely mangled by my various books and binders. I made one last good sale, at a school dance. I snuck a whole box in the pockets of my winter jacket. I left the dance with something like 45$(I hadn't been totally broke when I arrived) and I was out of the pixie-stix racket for good.

And yes, I literally mean pixie-stix. This was before drinking and drugs had captured our attention, middle school I believe. Yeah, the introduction to alcohol might have had something to do with my loss of interest as well. Still, fun memories.

Maybe that whole experience is why I never got into selling drugs too heavy. It was enough hassle with a legal product.

They tried to tell me it was because I was making a profit they were mad, not that I was selling them. I cited the cafeteria. They said, well, they have permission from the district, and then I said, how would I go about getting said permission, and they said you can't. Stop. Now.

Trusting can be difficult. Even trusting yourself. If nobody else gives you any credit, how can you have value? Enjoy your self.

Bob Marley man, Bob Marley. He knew some things.

I don't feel empty today. Awesome. I'll try to keep it up.

The future seems limitless. Technology and science doors to other worlds. Incredible possibilities.

I feel a tight-rope now. As if to say; careful now, don't over-do it. If I lose my balance, I can easily fall.

"Get-up stand-up, don't give up the fight"

Laughter is some good medicine. I don't know if it's the best, I never heard of someone laughing off Ebola or polio or anything, but it's pretty good. I hope my strange rantings inspire laughter. They do for me.

You have to be able to laugh at yourself I guess. I might take myself too seriously. But, that's the balance thing again. Life is serious, no doubt, but it's also fun. One has to make room for both I guess.

Well, I'm off to make some room for fun. Serious again tomorrow. May random find you well.

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Blogger the loading dock said...

fun, yes fun! sometimes i forget it myself & take life too seriously also. so glad you're enjoying the day!

6:38 pm  

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