Friday, September 26, 2008

let's wrap this shit up

Alright, enough fucking whining.Wan-wan. No more.I'm gonna direct my thoughts to interesting insights.

Diets won't work ever. If your regular diet gets you in trouble health wise, and you change it temporarily, see a change, and then change your diet back, of course you're going to see the same problems.

***the next day***

I started this post, played mega man 9 until almost 5am, and then went to sleep. It was still waiting to be completed when I went to sign in for work this morning. It makes me wonder; it's an old game with sub-par graphics and basic controls, and it's awesome. I've beaten all the robot masters except for Plug Man now.

I just finished this call with some guy who was right paranoid. He was telling me about how the television is weaponized, and when it goes all digital, it's only a matter of time before they use some kind of seizure inducing signal to immobilize us while they take our guns. He told me that the CNN logo is designed to hypnotize. Now, this struck me as odd, because I have found myself suddenly aware of the fact I'm watching CNN, and have been for some time, and I am unable to recall anything I saw. I always assumed this was a stoner space-out phenomenon, nothing to be concerned with. Now, I wonder what subconscious programming I might be receiving.

Something about the spinning and the light, I'm going to have to look into this I think.

He got me talking crazy too, I even half-mentioned marijuana. I said something like, "Yeah man, that's why we need tetra-hydra-cannabin-brain-protection". Right not smooth at all. But, hearing someone else say the crazy shit you think, is always good. Like hearing someone read your writing aloud. It gives you a new perspective. What would I say if someone said this to me? If you ask yourself this before you speak, you'd probably talk less. I know I would.

Maybe it's just me, or maybe it's work-related as well. Because I spend so much time talking politely about shit I don't really care about, I get so tired of idle chit-chat, it just pisses me off. Someone might ask me a simple question and I'll give them a heavily sarcastic answer. Usually, I immediately feel bad, when I see the pain in their face. I try to back-pedal, but the damage is done. Think before you speak, isn't that like one of the first things they teach you once you can both think and speak? How do I keep forgetting this?

It's fucking Friday! Woohoo! No work for two days! Though, they'll probably call to see if I want to put in some extra hours. No thanks. Still, extra money would be nice. I finally got the books I had ordered like 8 weeks ago yesterday, 7-10 days my ass. I ordered 4 books, only 3 came in. The only book that didn't make it ,was Fight Club, which should have been the easiest to find. I try to support local businesses, but when they offer such poor customer service, at least to mangy looking stoners like myself, they don't make it easy. They over charged me about two dollars too, but it's a small price to pay.


Several hours later, I did it again. I left the post unfinished and have returned.

Jackie Brown is a good movie.

It's after midnight now. I'm still sober, but I feel anxious.
I have a six-pack here, but that's only a start. But by the time I'm finished with it, everything will be closed. Should I walk to the local bar, spend my last few dollars on a few more drinks before I hit the six-pack? No, I'd be too tired to finish my beer after all the walking. No point. I'm a little dizzy, and warm. I think I may be genuinely sick. I hope it's not Crohn's related. Then again, could be worse.

I'm probably going to drink the beer and play mega man 9 some more. Maybe take a flexeril if I'm feeling too sober. I still have benadryl lying around, but I don't want to even start with that right now. Hard enough dealing with cigarette and marijuana addiction, not to mention this blooming hereditary alcoholism.

I've been coughing quite uncomfortably as of late. Perhaps the yetis I smoke are the reason. See the video;

Now, I think the problem may be two-fold. One; the combination of marijuana and tobacco is more harmful than either apart, maybe. Marijuana, because THC is an expectorant, makes you cough. So, you are less likely to acquire residue in your lungs from smoking weed than your are from tobacco. Ever notice, that if you smoke cigarettes all day, then smoke some weed with no tobacco in it, you seem to cough up the tar from all the cigarettes from earlier in the day. Now, with the combination of the two, the weed is 'smoothed-out' by the tobacco, making it easier to hold in your toke for a long time without coughing. But, the drawback is, the tar and gunk stays in, at least for a little while.

The second drawback is the actual popping action of the smoking process. You see, the yeti uses a small puck of tobacco, ideally not burned, as a screen for your weed smoking. Because you are using a bong, once the marijuana on top is burned, you inhale sharply to pull the tobacco down the tube, into the water, extinguishing it, and simultaneously clearing the chamber without having to remove the bowl or uncover a 'choke hole'. This produces a variable head rush, depending on the smoker's tobacco use, skill at smoking yetis, and upkeep of materials.

If your tube gets all gunked up, which it will if you do any amount of yetis, it can be hard to pop the yeti. Sometimes, the tobacco will burn, and slide down the tube, not reaching the water, and just harshing the chamber instead of clearing it with fresh air. Sometimes the seal is no longer as tight as it was at the bottle, and this can cause you to frantically move the tube around, trying to get a good seal. This is quite common, as yetis must be done one at a time, and thus, the tube is frequently pulled in and out of the bottle, leading to wear on the seal.

The main reason for smoking yetis initially, was to prevent wasting weed. You only load one hit at a time, but you can have 15 or so ready to go quite easily if you get good at 'racking' them. The head rush element I suppose played a role, but as I started to smoke cigarettes as well as cannabis, yetis have lost their head rush effect. Over time though, I have become quite found of the ritual of preparation. The grinding of the weed, the cutting of the smoke, the changing of the water, the dabbing the tube into the weed, trying to maximize airflow while still packing in a lot of weed. The sound of the bubbles, getting slightly louder just before it's time to pop it. The rhythm of a succession of yetis done one after another, like meditation. I often find myself singing while I do yetis, or reaching for my guitar. So, the point is not necessarily to conserve weed anymore, but perhaps, to prolong the intake. To enjoy the consumption over a longer period of time.

Judging by the length of this yeti rant that I wrote up rather quickly, I've got a lot to say about my marijuana consumption, if I stop and think about it. I will see how this post reads in a few days, to see if this is something I should try and flesh out, or leave buried, at least for the time being. In the meantime, I will digest my thoughts, maybe hit the books a bit, for a little hard copy reading. May random find you well, and Marc man, don't forget to buy papers!

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