Thursday, October 16, 2008

payday musings

Trying to stay out of trouble now.
Don't even look at the liquor store.
Go buy some video games, that should keep you busy.
Unlikely to hold my interest though, aren't they.

Should I drink a lot?
Am I fighting on the wrong side here?

Humankind has historically used alcohol. Over the years, would it not stand to reason that certain individuals might evolve a specialization related to alcohol? Perhaps, their own body down-regulates the dopamine levels in anticipation of alcohol's inclusion in the system. Perhaps for these individuals, sobriety is akin to starvation.

Perhaps just the opposite. Perhaps the use of alcohol overtime, adjusts the body's normal dopamine levels to the point where the body no longer requires alcohol to appear intoxicated.

Now, we extrapolate these ideas. Marijuana. Stimulants. Steroids. Antibiotics. Psychedelics. What if all of these change how we evolve? Is the human race about to branch off into different interest groups that evolve into different subspecies? Did somebody say 'Shadowrun'?

I used to think of this, perhaps in terms of a higher dimensional agreement. I imagine a spirit that represented humankind shaking hands with a spirit representing marijuana. We will continue to cultivate and protect marijuana, as long as it keeps producing those tasty cannabinoids. Over time, we are able to produce better and better strains of marijuana, while at the same time improving our own quality of life. Seems like a mutually beneficial relationship to me.

This may be a temporary development as well. Perhaps, the relationship becomes a dependence. Marijuana, extremely potent, but unable to survive in nature, as well as people, normally funny, laid back, and able to eat things that are normally unappetising, that are social cripples without a puff. Sound like anyone we know(are)? Nah, I'm like that even with a puff.

Time will tell, I imagine.

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