all over the place, get outta my face
fucking idiot's
everywhere, everything i see
holes in the logic
think about a commercial too long and you'll snap
read the stupid jokes in this month's reader's digest
that's NOT funny, you fucking morons,
maybe i'm too critical
nah, tv sucks the mind out of too many
they don't wanna feel stupid, so they nod and pretend
but they never catch up,
so they end up revealing themselves in the end
fuck, maybe i'm just too critical
or too smart
or an asshole
heh heh
well, whatever the case may be
the way to deal seems to be chemical escape
or head trauma
i feel hollow
and i don't know
how to fill this hole
for more than say
12 hours?
well, i can keep full for days on end
by boosting
sally b
i felt like smacking whoever got that fucked up
sally D
salvia divinorum, you fuckin' tard
i multitasked
and fucked myself o
-ver nothing
and now i sit a
-lone drinking
that was a nice little schism-rythmed break
think "atrophy any"
solitude is my favourite companion
we get along so well
or do we?
am i my own worst enemy?
holding myself back
gotta get on track
it's like i don't give a shit
about anything
but i do about everything
if that makes any sense, you should see a shrink
heh heh
just kiddin'
but the songs
about being alone and hitting the road
the speak to me
like no authority figure ever has
my dreams are disturbing
i'd rather forget
i can still feel
if we have met
names are misleading
they hold us down
or prop us up
no man is too high or too low
to drink from my cup
you don't like me
you use me
for my car
or my money
not my head
and my head, is the best i have to offer
let me think things through
and i'll be a benefit to you
but am i any better?
i like your weed
you might say i need
passing human contact
to make me complete
a tasty treat
but for now
me and my beer
we have no fear
the words have run dry
and i know i don't know why
but i'm surely not going to cry
and that isn't a word of a lie
damn rhyme
no time
sucha crime
here i go
what do you know
the words still flow
fuck what you know
it's what you feel
the rhythm
let it take you
you want to go
it must be said
that you live in your head
but when your dead
you die there instead
i'm a
my private delight

well that's all I've to say
i sign off for the night
may random be with you
and may you win the fight