Pervious Maximus
It's been a bit since a posted. The only time I felt like writing lately was when I was in a bad mood, and I figured, who wants to read my complainy-rants. Not me, that's for sure.
So I decided to wait until I was feeling more cheerful to write. I'm not exactly rosy, but I'll do alright I think.
I've been sort of over-horny or over-clingy lately, like I want to touch my girlfriend all the time, and I get discouraged when she rightly asks me to stop pawing at her for a few minutes. I don't know, it should be alright I guess. We're out of condoms, that's sort of a bummer. I mean, I certainly don't want to risk getting her pregnant, as we can hardly stay afloat now, let alone with another mouth to feed. There's more to it than the money though, of course.
But overall, we seem to be doing ok. We got our GST checks this week, that's a nice bonus. Helps carry over to the next payday. Michelle's making some dreadlocks right now for someone, a little more cash there too, that's nice. Should be all caught up bill-wise and good to go for the next while. So long as we don't get sick or hurt or anything. (*Knocks on wood*)
It will be nice to get the Wii back and play some of those wiiware and virtual console games. Not to mention Call of Duty or the new Ghostbusters game. We've been playing a lot of Scrabble lately, and a little Boggle and Yahtzee online, pretty fun stuff. Scrabble especially. We were playing online, but when we went to Bathurst last, we played it at my parents place a few times in the two days we were there, so they lent it to us. So, we've been playing with the old-school board and pieces lately. Pretty fun, and it feels like brain exercise. It is the crossword game, after all.
So hard to use the damn J tiles, but they're 8 points, so you have to try to make hood use of them! I'll get some more J words in my repertoire soon enough...
But besides that, trying to keep costs low, don't eat too extravagantly or smoke too quickly and such. Enjoying each other's company, catching up on our cartoons and other tv shows, taking walks, playing super nintendo, that sort of thing. Passing the time, staying out of trouble. Well, back to work for me. May random find you well.
Labels: ranting, Scrabble, stream of thought, wii