Put half the deposit down for schoolin'.
Smoked some grass and felt quite a bit better, more relaxed, less stressed.
My shift wasn't cancelled for tonight, that's nice. I'm working right now as a matter-of-fact. What's more, not one, but three of my old friends contacted me in the last two days. Two of them were hoping to visit me tonight, I don't know if and when we'll get to hang out, because I'm working all weekend, but it was still good to hear from them.
I've still got a bit of a rash from some cheap store brand bandages I bought when my ear was all infected and gross. I picked up some name brand bandages today though, so I should be good. I'd like to pick up my Wii and electric guitar soon, but we have some expenses coming up still. Hopefully, I'll be able to work a few shifts a week and maybe get a half-decent paycheck so m'lady doesn't have to work so much. She's been working like five and six days a week, as opposed to her regular four days on four days off. She works twelve hour shifts too. Days and nights. Fun fun.
So, hopefully I'll be able to carry my own weight again. I keep trying to look for a second job, but the lady discourages it. She says that she doesn't want to see me any less. But I mean, with her working as often as she does, we don't get to see each other that much as is. That's why I'm hoping my current job stops cancelling my shifts, and then she won't have to work so much to cover the bills, and who knows, we may be able to afford to go out now and then. I'd like to get her everything she wants, but right now, we just can't afford it. We're having a hard enough time keeping fed right now.
I must seem fairly boring lately, not a whole lot going on. Reading some Philip K Dick at the moment, ordered some more. Had a Katimavik billeter stay with us for a while, not too much to report there. He told his group that he smoked pot with us, which he didn't but could have if he wanted to. We thought that was odd. He was an odd fellow overall. He would open a new package of something (spaghetti and coffee specifically) rather than finish off the one that is open. In fairness, the coffee was dark roast, and he wanted regular, but still, now I have to use them quickly or they won't be fresh. Also, he took a book without asking. It was funny, Michelle was just going to ask him if he wanted to borrow it, but he was already gone, and had taken the book with him.
He was pretty quiet, and kind of funny. He didn't add too much, but didn't make it hard to be home either. It was kind of nice to be able to pass on some movie, music and video game knowledge as well. He hadn't even seen Fight Club, can you believe it?
My brother had a birthday recently, talked with him about video games and a possible new ghostbusters movie and that sort of thing. He apparently has no interest in getting a job. My girlfriend right calls him a loser, and it sort of makes me feel bad, but I mean, she's kind of right too. I would just probably say he doesn't have his priorities well arranged or something. Loser just seems like such a harsh word.
I mean, he's a loser as opposed to what, a 'cool guy'? What makes someone cool? Wanting a job? I doubt that. But being self-sufficient is pretty cool, so I hear anyway! I guess not even wanting to take care of yourself is kind of lame I suppose. It's a good way to end up still living with your parents at thirty, that's for sure.
I don't know, I guess I'll just get back to work for now, try and stay awake to spend some time with Michelle before sleep. Hopefully I'm able to meet up with one or both of my friends in town this weekend. May random find you well. \m/
Labels: family, life, money, relationships, work