Saturday, August 08, 2009

Quick Update

Things are pretty good right now.
I'm working a fair amount this week, with hours picking up even more as the fall approaches. We're looking for a new apartment, as our current living situation has become critical. Our landlord has been freaking out about rent not being paid on time, and adding rules to our lease. Namely a quiet time after 10pm. This is hard to deal with, as we both often work nights, or until late, and doing dishes or laundry can be loud. It's not like we're having parties or listening to loud music or anything ridiculous. But anyway, we're looking for a new place to live, and in fact have a spot in mind, we just need to come up with some money to get the landlord to hold it for us.

We had the money for this month's rent, but we blew it. We still are blowing it in fact. We were only a little bit short, less than 40$, but we would have had to pawn things to come up with the cash, and we would still have no money for food or cigarettes, let alone marijuana, which we both use, at least partially medicinally. So, we decided to eat and smoke rather than starve and have a happy landlord.

We should be pretty stressed, as we got an eviction notice and everything, but we're not. I'm going to have a student loan coming in in the near future, not to mention possibly EI and a grant from the federal government. I know, it's irresponsible, but we're just tired of tip-toeing around our own apartment. It doesn't feel much like home when you have to worry about how much noise you make getting a snack or laughing too loudly at the tv.

So, we're kind of enjoying ourselves while we can, until magic money saves our ass, or it blows up in our face, whichever comes first. I'm hoping it's the money. I am trying to work everyday this month, it just depends how many shifts don't get cancelled I guess. That, or my student loan could come in, that would be swell.

I'm going to try and catch up on some reading soon too. It's a good way to pass the time, now that it isn't too hot to think. Good storms this time of year too. Nature's fireworks. That's all for now, may random find you well.

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