Saturday, February 14, 2009


I had two dreams when I took a nap this evening.
I was visiting with an old friend of mine, one that now has a kid with another on the way.
In my dream, one of her kids, the youngest(as of yet unborn) was very tiny. About the size of a cell phone, or slightly larger. The other child, slightly older, looked different than he currently does in reality.

Both of the children looked sick, almost fake. Like the baby in Trainspotting. The mother seemed oblivious to all of this though, smiling and showing off her ill-looking babies. I felt sick I believe.

The next dream, I was with my lady-friend, and we were visiting a relative of hers, I believe it was her uncle. When we got there, I was somewhat shocked to find that there was a larger lioness in the living room. The lion sort of grabbed my hand with it's mouth, but didn't bite, because my lady was able to calm the lion quickly, as she(the lion) seemed to recognize her. She called for her uncle, and we could hear him out in his workshop or shed in the backyard. Looking out the window, there was at least one other lioness.

I had the distinct impression that there were three lions, all female, kept as pets at this place. They seemed extremely docile, almost as though they were stoned on weed, but still projected an air of power. I was not afraid of these lions per se, as I remember calmly petting them, but I still thought of that lion that attacked the lion master, maybe it was the magician guy. Either way, the footage where he's telling the big cat to do something, and the cat looks at him, the guy gets a little upset and cracks a whip or something, and the cat just pounces.

What do these dreams mean, I cannot say. Even that they mean something at all I can't say for sure. Still, interesting dreams, with vivid images, even now, hours after I woke up.

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

loop-rink in space

So, a space station. Made like a loop or circle. Inside, there would be a continuous ice surface. A never-ending straightaway. Perhaps it would be necessary to have the station rotating slightly to hold the skaters to the ice surface. Still, the reduced weight would reduce friction greatly I'm sure. You could go a week without Zamboniing the ice surface maybe.

And as one's speed increased, and the 'G' forces increased, would the difference even be felt? How fast could one go? What would be the effect on the human body?

Really though, try and imagine it. You could be moving so fast, when you jump, you could go flying. And what if the space station was open to space itself, so you could jump from one loop to the next, all the way around the Earth, if enough were in place. There could be sports designed for this type of low gravity environment. Space-hockey perhaps?

You are virtually weightless, uh-oh, wait, would you be able to skate at all then? Or would the friction reducing effect be nullified by the low gravity. Maybe you wouldn't even need the skates.

Either way, you should be able to reach incredible speeds not normally achievable on foot or skating. Perhaps a small patch of spikes at the front of one's running shoe might provide the best results. More research and perhaps experimentation will be required to say definitively.

Me thinks we should perhaps build a loop-rink in space.

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Monday, February 09, 2009


What's going on these days?
What's all new and exciting?
What've you been up to?

Well, you see,
I've been changing.

I'm dating this girl now, and things are going quite well.
We've even met each other's parents.

But, I am sort of hung up a bit on some things.
She has lots of friends. Guy friends.
She doesn't seem attracted to them, but at the same time, I can't help but feel threatened.

She talked about her old boyfriend not trusting her, and being mad that she would hang out with this guy that would drive her home from work everyday. She would say, "What, don't you trust me?", to which he must of course reply yes. Thing is though, her ex was right. I was the guy driving her home. We weren't romantically involved at the time, but you better believe the thought was there. On my end at least.

So the thing is this; she has this friend, this guy, that drives her to and from work almost everyday. I even asked the guy if he likes her, and he said yes. I don't know if the lady-friend knows he does though, I felt it would be rude to tell her myself. Also, she might not believe me, which might lead to a fight, her calling me paranoid (and possibly being right), me being upset with her, and her going to spend time with him.

I don't know, she says I should trust her, but I'm scared.

It's like, I have no desire to go and spend time alone with other girls, because I don't even want to tempt fate. But she doesn't seem to feel the same way.

Maybe I'm just paranoid. Again I remind myself; who does she take to bed. Be appreciative. She likes to spend time with you Marc, enjoy that.

But that's another thing; I'm almost afraid to ask her about things sometimes. Like, I don't want to upset her, or learn something I didn't want to know about her, and ruin our relationship. So, do I just keep my mouth shut and enjoy it while it lasts? That seems sort of sad. Just try to smile, don't think too much.

What if that makes me resent her? That's no good...

Lastly, because I've been shy my whole life, I don't have a lot of experience to draw on. In fact, I've already had a number of significant events with her. First repeat sexual partner, first time sober, first time biting on the ass, first real girlfriend even.

She's already done these things, so, am I having more fun?

And what am I to her, average?

Well, I suppose, there is one thing I did that no one else had before. She gets really ticklish after an orgasm, and she said that never happened with anyone else before. Am I doing something well, or something wrong, I don't really know. Lack of experience. Although I will say this, I don't understand why so many guys have a hard time getting their women off. Do a little reading, figure out the biology.

Ahh well, I feel better just having articulated my thoughts like this. Hopefully, we will continue to enjoy each others company for quite some time.

May random find you well.

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