Sunday, June 08, 2008

rant rant rantity rant

I sometimes forget that i am a human being,
I think of myself more as a mind than a body.
Not that my body is hideous, but it seems to be distraction from intellectual matters.
Universal times zones, zones based on sun size, then a planet zone based on orbital year or seasonal year etc, Maybe that's the block in space exploration; if gravity is different on mars(for example), and space and time are related in that increased gravity increases subjective time passage in relation to a standard earth gravity at sea-level(or whatever, never finished my degree), and vice versa.

Heck, even a tiny planet could, for example, feel regular to us, but we would seem to be moving either remarkably fast or slow.
I came back five minutes later and read the last line, no idea, one moment...

I see, I went way off-topic. But I do feel sometimes, like mind is impenetrable,
Like those people that receive neurological damage resulting in the inability to speak coherently.
Maybe they understand perfectly well, and, as anyone would, take advantage of their situation. I am not saying these individuals do not deserve diligent care, but simply, i can't blame them for trying to make the best of a good thing. Nurse pinching, jacking off inappropriately, holding out for the sexy sponge bath nurse.

What the fuck am I even thinking about, god damn drugs, so fun, but so weird sometimes.
-Agent of Truth

UPDATE: The following day; I do not remember writing this post at all. (Fixed some typos) Some of the thoughts expressed are clearly mine, but I do not remember writing this. Valium affects memory. I will in time more thoroughly discuss the topics within. Transhumanism, mmmmm.

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Strange thoughts to formulate at a time like this.

I prefer regular morphine to Hydromorphone.
From Wikipedia;

This modification of the morphine molecule results in a drug with higher lipid solubility and ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and therefore more rapid and complete central nervous system penetration, with the result that hydromorphone is somewhat faster-acting and about eight times stronger than morphine and about three times stronger than heroin on a milligramme basis. The effective morphine to hydromorphone conversion ratio can vary from patient to patient by a significant amount with relative levels of some liver enzymes being the main cause; the normal human range appears to be from 8:1 to a little under 4:1. It is not uncommon, for example, for the 8 mg tablet to have an effect similar to 30 mg of Roxanol or a similar morphine preparation.

While this milligram per milligram strength is true, the recreational potential of hydromorphone is far less than that of morphine. Morphine has an undoubtedly painkilling effect, plus the drowsiness(not to mention the dreams!) and relative little discomfort. Hydromorphone in my experience comes with a strong stomach discomfort, even when the pills are taken via insufflation, as well as a strong opiate itch. Now, scratching the itch is pleasantly warm, but i can see how someone might scratch too long in the same place and injure them self. Combined with alcohol, hydromorphone makes you a super-human drinking machine while at the same time turning down the volume on your thoughts, making it seem almost like a silent night. Morphine, you get high, tired, pass out, and have crazy dreams. In my experience, usually the dreams are unpleasant(try,try,try video), but you remain strangely detached. Waking up with a feeling of exhilaration, and with no immediate craving(that I noticed, though admittedly, I had none to do the next day every time I did it) for more morphine.

In conclusion, even though Dilaudid crosses the blood-brain-barrier more efficiently, and requires a smaller dose to achieve its effects, I would say that morphine, despite it's reputation, would be the preferred choice.

DISCLAIMER: I have no formal medical training, I am reporting solely on my personal experience. If you have questions, and aren't looking to arrest me, drop me a line.

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