Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Posting to prevent deletion.
Typing with one hand as a broke my right hand.
Punched a wall.
Michelle's working all the time.
Gives her best to work.
We miss her.
My son is 14 months old now.
Healthy, pretty smart.
Likes hitting his head on things though.
Like father like son i guess/
I don't really hang out with anyone unless i'm getting drugs rom them, usually just weed. Can't afford much in the way of luxuries Can't hardly pay rent ad also eat.
Can't even order mdpv with someone else's money.
I know I shouldn't, but damn I miss that delicous devil-powder
It makes me want to cry o think i'll never get another bag of pure chemical in the mail again.
I've had street speed. Even at a good price, too expensive.
Plus you get to ingest 300mg of filler to get 50mg of whatever stimulant drug is in this batch.
If I had unlimited funds, i could try to replace it with cocaine.
Way too expensive, plus again aduleraed with whaever street dealers want, and it doesn't last as long as 'pv, AND the comedown is super-severe sometimes.
Ahhh well....
probably never be like it was again.
Still makes me sad.
I do so love torturing myself.
Well, I best be off, my cast/splint needs adjusting
Best of luck