Friday, June 15, 2007

I've been having dream lately where i encounter old friends. They remind me of a dream I once had, where I seemed to be at some sort of a boot-camp. Like in dreams, we are together and being trained for something.

I dreamed also recently, of finding not one but two baggies with a fair amount of stem in them. This happened the same week i had been forced to smoke all of my stem, and i knew this was certainly a prized find.

I get the vague sense that I am having some sort of discussion or conversation in my dreams, but I certainly am unable to recall the content of such discussions. I wonder about 'the matrix.'

By that i mean, supposing we are actually in a matrix-esque simulated reality, but the real world is not a post-apocalyptic version of this world, but rather a void, or something much worse(a mirror?), then is ignorance not only bliss, but salvation? That doesn't sound right. Is true peace in infinity, or in unbeing? Furthermore, I wonder if one is capable of appreciating both of these states, and in fact may several times throughout their life, but is unable to remember due to the extremely alien quality of the experience. To assimilate it, perhaps it is viewed as metaphors, of Icarus and Pandora, curiosity killed the cat. Better to not know and just go. Don't get greedy, don't lust for fame. But without the direct memory of the experience, you may in time chalk it up to drugs, youthful naivity, or mass hysteria. So you again long for the forbidden, to be on top, to have power, and again, are humbled back to your knees by the frightening truth behind the world you have come to love.

Now i wonder if anyone reads this blog ever, and if the cia is coming to get me with black helicopters..... just kidding.

record keeping

Have you considered a Listerine-Scream ad campaign? The commercial could start with someone dancing around and looking distressed. As they hit the thirty seconds that you are supposed to use the listerine for, the spit it out violent and yell at the burning sensation. Cue the voice over 'what's your listerine scream' while a montage of different people screaming an absurd amount for mouthwash rolls. Maybe even have a contest where people send in their videos. At the end you could say something like 'the burning let's you know it's working'(at least on comedy central etc.).

Just sent the previous paragraph to the parent company(pfizer?) of listerine's site, 3:36pm ADT, June 15, 2007. I am submitting this in case these ads do appear, so i have a record of having sent them the idea. Not that I expect to need proof, but just in case.

" I do actually enjoy your product and in fact will not buy another mouthwash, and think this
could be a great campaign, because, let's face it, 'brush then listerine' is wearing thin."

The text in quotations was ommitted due to length restrictions.