Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Main Entry: marc
Pronunciation: 'märk
Function: noun: an insoluble residue remaining after extraction of a solution (as a drug) with a solvent

Source: Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2002 Merriam-Webster, Inc.

Thought Knot

Can a thought become a knot?
Tangled and obtrusive,
I wonder what 'normal' people occupy their minds with.
It seems like whenever i talk about something half-way interesting that isn't total bullshit, people tune out. I think it's cool that time may not be as we understand it. I think it's cool that their are forces beyond our understanding. I think deja vus and coincidinces are freaky-interesting. The mind is the most mysterious force in existence as far as i can tell. Who gives a fuck about now, what about the future? Am i losing my mind, or am i finding it? I'm tired of explaining and complaining and refraining and disdaining. I forget what else i did though. A disc i did throw. Leaping into snow. Hiking through the trees. Just shooting the breeze. It seems my innocence was lost. But, perhaps, insight was gained. Or maybe fear. Or loathing. Or las vegas. Hard humour to follow i guess, but that's me.

Monday, July 25, 2005


Well now, don't i feel silly
it seems that reality has returned to normal, thankfully
i wonder, should i have kept the salvia,
should i have let it take me away
well, it's too late now
better safe than insane

so hard to explain
it happened so quick
like a roller coaster,
but i jumped off before we made it up the first hill
some day i may stay

nothin' like a little brush with death to make you appreciate life
even if it may be all in your head
what isn't?

devious smiles shine for miles
shiny crowns atop a throne make for an easy target
death chases those that run
cuz everyone knows the chase is fun

Sunday, July 24, 2005

powerful little plant

unable to secure any marijuana at the early hour (approx. 7:30am)
i proceeded to smoke some dutch salvia i had acquired in my travels
i packed a small bowl
i took a hit, held it for a few seconds, let it out
i took a second, and as i was inhaling, i became increasingly aware
it felt like my skin was trying to run away from me
i decided to quickly lie back on my couch to try and relax,
to facilitate the trip
almost instantly, as i lay back, i felt as though i kept going further and further into the couch
something like in trainspotting with the floor
but my field of view was spinning, spiraling i guess would be more accurate
as though from the bottom of a well, i looked up at my field of view
my body felt as though it had become 2-dimensional
my life was a picasso painting,
my house was caving in on me
the universe was trying to squeeze me out of existence
i was somehow able to stand up, walk around, and get some fresh air
i knew the effects were short lived, but i felt i had very nearly died
this was not my first near-death experience, so though badly shaken, i was not hysterical
i decided i should dispose of my remaining salvia, before i brought about armageddon
and i decided too that i should take a psychedelic break,
as there are definetly somethings i am not ready to know
i have just now returned from a relaxing drive
i threw my salvia into the ocean
i could not bring myself to destroy something of such power
so i gave it to random
may it serve us all