Ok, so maybe I spoke too soon.
I'm still pretty up and down, switching quickly between them.
Especially down, when I get down, that seems to hit me fast, like, within one breath fast.
Kinda like getting the wind knocked out of you I guess. But like, not so shuddery.
I got the urge to delete the blog again. That feeling of futility, like, why even bother.
Obviously I didn't do it if you're reading this. Unless you're that 'draft auto-saved' robot and you read this as I wrote it, but before I deleted my blog. I'm being a bit ridiculous I suppose.
I want to get drunk and touch myself, is that wrong?
I'm so all over the place. I've got to get up early tomorrow to go to Training and Skills Development Canada, so I can see about getting some government money to help with school, which starts in like literally, two weeks. I still have to apply for unemployment before I start school I believe, at least to get them to help with tuition and book costs. I suppose though, they could reimburse me.
I should take a break soon. I meant to take one now, but the calls are going good, and now I'm writing between calls, so, time is passing pretty well. If I start running out of things to say, or getting really hungry or something, or it starts getting late, then I'll take a break.
Am I sabotaging myself? Making sure I can't go to school or I fail at school? Why would I do such a thing? Hopefully, if I am trying to ruin myself, I will not succeed at it. Hopefully, I fail at ruining myself, because success would mean...
Ok, now I'm just being silly. Fooling around with words. Who likes puns? Who argues about semantics? Mememememememe!
Alright, well, it's getting close to 9, I imagine I'll be taking a break then. I don't know if I'll continue this post, as I'll likely be on a different thought train then. Might as well wrap this up, fairly concise. May random find you well.
Labels: moods, moodswing, school, stream of thought, work